IAA 2024

Symposium of the
International Association of Astacology

IAA 2024


Welcome to the website of the International Association of Astacology Symposium 24, September 16 – 20, 2024, Zagreb, Croatia.
On behalf of local organising committee and the international scientific committee it is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the International Association of Astacology Symposium 24 (IAA24), that will be held in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, from the 16th to 20th of September 2024.
The meeting will include a four-day scientific program, and participants are welcome to submit their research on all aspects of freshwater crayfish research, including ecology, conservation, biogeography, diseases, genetics, physiology, behaviour and all other matters that astacologist would find interesting. Information regarding registration can be found here and abstract submission here. Please do not hesitate to register as soon as possible.
In addition to scientific program, there will be also plenty of time to relax and enjoy all of the usual non scientific related social activities.
All information connected to IAA24 will be regularly updated on this web page, so please do check it every now and then, or contact us via e-mail.
Hope to see you in late summer 2024 in Zagreb!
On behalf of organising committee
Ivana Maguire


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Book of Abstracts


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Key points map

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Important dates

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Early registration (until 1.4.2024)
Regular ragistration (until 1.8.2024)
Late registration (until 1.9.2024)

Sture Abrahamsson Speakers

Lennart Edsman

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden

Since more than 30 years I have been working with freshwater crayfish at both a state authority and universities. This has meant trying to base management decisions and guidelines on scientific knowledge, in addition to reality, and being involved in defining recommendations, rules and regulations. Research topics have included all aspects of freshwater crayfish such as ecology, ethology, genetics, physiology, conservation, utilisation, eradication, fisheries, aquaculture, and management strategies.

Japo Jussila

Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Eastern Finland

My expertism covers wild stock management and consultation. In the focus of my research is the triple drama among crayfish plague – noble crayfish – signal crayfish as well as crayfish plague coevolution with freshwater crayfish in Europe.


Keynote Speakers

Laura Martín-Torrijos

CSIC, Royal Botanical Garden Madrid, Spain

My research interest is host-pathogen interactions and to investigate pathogenic species (fungal and fungal-like organisms) and invasive alien species and their effect on threatened species, with special emphasis on identifying and characterizing how invasive alien species act as vectors of emerging infectious diseases. To that end, I use environmental DNA (eDNA), molecular tools and conservation approaches (phylogenomics, population genetics or phylogeography) to identify the adaptations of these pathogenic organisms to different hosts and environments, as well as the conditions that favor the colonization process of the hosts.


Martina Temunović

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
Zagreb, Croatia

My research primarily focuses on understanding the role of past, current and future environmental changes in shaping the genetic variation and evolutionary history of natural populations. My research topics are related and combine the fields of Molecular ecology, Evolutionary biology, Biogeography, Population and landscape genetics, Conservation biology, Species distribution modelling and Ecological niche analyses.


Elena Tricarico

University of Florence, Department of Biology Florence, Italy

I am a behavioural ecologist working on aquatic environments, dealing with behaviour and biological invasions (spanning from research to management) as well as education and dissemination activities with stakeholders and the public on these topics.


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IAA 2024 / Symposium of the International
Association of Astacology / Zagreb,Croatia.
