IAA 2024
Symposium of the
International Association of Astacology
IAA 2024
Abstract submission
The deadline for abstract submission is the 1st of August, but we encourage delegates to submit their abstracts as soon as possible.
Please prepare your abstract (for both oral and poster presentations) according to the provided Abstract template.
Instructions for abstract submission
Title (Arial 14 – bold)
Authors: Last name (upper case letters) & Surname (Initial) (Arial 12); underline the name of the speaker or presenter
Address: (Arial 11 – Italic) including email address
Abstract (maximum 250 words (Arial 11)
Keywords: (maximum 5) (Arial 10 – bold)
Please indicate either poster or oral presentation.
Oral presentations will last for 10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion. There will be standard equipment in the congress room for PC format presentations (Power Point).
Poster presentations (size 120 cm x 80 cm) will be placed in front of the congress room.
Abstracts will be reviewed by members of Scientific committee, and organisers withhold the right to limit the number of oral or poster presentations according to scientific program schedule requirements.
We encourage IAA24 presenters to submit their work for publication in the Freshwater Crayfish.
Abstract submission
Abstracts should be sent to iaa24@biol.pmf.hr till 1 August 2024.
Register now!
AA 2024 / Symposium of the International
Association of Astacology / Zagreb,Croatia.